In Mozambique

Hello from Inhmabane. We’re 4 days into Mozambique and all is well. Just managed to escape from the Kruger Park before southern area was closed due to flooding (apparently people we’re getting helicoptered out and Sabie flooded river was depositing crocs in the campsites). Easy crossing at Ressano Garcia into Mozambique – slept first night Xai-Xai (sorry James – I didn’t get the photo), then two nights on the beach at Barra near Inhambane. Refueling in Inhambane now then heading up to Morrongulu for 4 or 5 nights, then refueling Massinga. Then aim to spend 4/5 nights Pomene. After that hope to head up to Goronogoza and then into Malawi. Mpandangare going like a baby, cruising through deep sand – kids still managing homework on the the long legs – and we’re all learning some Portuguese. Slow internet when available so not sure when next update will be. People here are super-friendly, the roads have been good and we’ve passed through all roadblocks unhindered so far.

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