Photo: The Internets
Tag: Bird
Photo: The Internets
Photo: The Internets
Photo: The Internets
Photo: The Internets
Only found in North America and Hawaii.
Females are brown or dull brown.
Male coloration varies in intensity with the seasons and is derived from the berries and fruits in its diet (range from pale straw-yellow through bright orange to deep, intense red).
Photo: The internets
Native to North America.
Very rare vagrant to western Europe.
Photo: Mila
Large shorebird. Peck in the sand for food.
These guys are cool.
Big flocks on the beach, which then zoomed off into the waves, then back to the beach.
Summer: N-central US & W-Canada.
Autumn: Migrate in flocks to the coasts of California, the Gulf of Mexico, Mexico and South America.
Photo: Ralph
Also known as a Wild Duck.
Breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
Very boring as such…
Photo: Ralph
Best-known species of the juncos (American sparrows).
Common across much of temperate North America and in summer ranges far into the Arctic.
Photo: Ralph