Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is one of the seven wonders of the world.

There was a sort of magic that made Vic Falls feel like it was a different realm. The paths that led to all the viewpoints looked almost natural (they are manmade with pebbles) and the vegetation was like a tropical rain forest, totally different from where we’d been. The water comes thundering down. We were cold and wet – five minutes away you’d be warm and sunny.

As we got further out it started getting more wet – the waterfall was getting rougher and all the water was spraying up. We were wearing shorts and t-shirts…and non waterproof rain jackets!

I think it’s kind of arrogant that Livingstone came and named it after his Queen (Victoria) and he didn’t even bother to ask what the Africans called it. If Livingstone hadn’t come we may be calling it a different name now.

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