Signing out with 5 Bullet Points

Ralph: We’re back in Managua and flying home today. First warm shower in 5 weeks. Virtually every item of clothing we have is either wet or damp. Gradually getting the volcanic ash out from between our toes.

Lisa (whistling) and girls in Leon

[1] We can do it – backpack – together en famille ! But as we do love to move from place to place, and don’t tend to recharge much, it can be tiring.

[2] We’ve loved the loose cameraderie of the backpacker circuit – continually bumping into people we know – sharing info and transport…

[3] Great exploring a new part of the world (yes, we can all draw a map of Central America now), and seeing the girls getting to grips with a basic Spanish.

[4] Highlights have been camping atop an active volcano, catching big fish in muddy rivers winding through rainforests, being bombed by bats on a road covered in giant toads.

[5] We’ve seen lots of new birds, butterflies and caterpillars – still not sold on gallo pinto (refried beans) but hooked on hammocks…

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